    Stocks are bought on expectations, not facts.

JGS to new high?

I started the week with a pledge to donate 10% of my profits this year to our company sponsored school in the south. We aim to reach 1.5m in donations and I hope we make it. If you are very profitable this year, please do share your blessings too this Christmas. :)

I've been holding AP and ACR since October, so it has been a very good week for me. I actually more than tripled my ACR shares because the price action tells me I'm right with my earlier trades. I cut loss my MBT coz the price action last Friday was not looking good. I don't know the reason for the sell-off but the ticker as indicator is good enough. I also made a bad trade of buying HLCM at 12.54 only to sell at 12.48. I was not really comfortable with its volume.

Anyway, I'd like to share a buy signal I got for JGS. It may breakout to new highs or not. Only the market knows. :) It has been consolidating for almost 2 months already and my bet is it will make new highs!


Anonymous said...

hi harvey, i am pleased to know you are making a donation...ok yan.

one thing i am thinking right now is which stock group will do better after a market correction?

a) the stocks that have stayed at /above the 32 day moving average

b) the stocks that are near/ above their 65 day moving average

c) those that are at near/ above 130 day moving average.

there are some in the blogosphere that are advocating bottom fishing ( group b and c)

while i am betting group a.

is there a way to back test which is the right choice?



Anonymous said...

sorry, harley pala....hehehe

Harley Wong said...

yes I think there's a way. Thanks for the idea. I'll try to work on it in the next few weeks/months! haha :)

Is it similar to this one?

or do you want to just buy as long as price is above a certain moving average? this ones harder to backtest. what's the exit criteria and stop loss points?

Harley Wong said...

Higher lows :)
JGS 11/12/2010 24.4
JGS 11/15/2010 24 last low start of move.
JGS 11/17/2010 24.9
JGS 11/18/2010 25.2
JGS 11/19/2010 25.5
JGS 11/22/2010 25.5
JGS 11/23/2010 25.90

tagal mag breakout. patience...

Anonymous said...

i am thinking just say blindly start buy 5/26/10 and sell on 11/05/10? (start and peak of p6 recent uptrend )apply a cut loss at 8% or more EOD
and check the average performance of the three groups?

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