    Stocks are bought on expectations, not facts.

Expensive month!

Oh it was a very hard month for me. I worked almost 12-14 hours a day and can't focus on my portfolio. So what I did was to change my strategy and do trades only at the open/close. What's worse is that most of my orders are done through my phone browser during useless meetings! Anyway, I am -3.45% this month. -4.2% since Friday. Of course, I only have to blame myself.

As I analyzed my closed positions, the most expensive one is SMB and LR. Other costly trades are squared positions. All these mistakes cost me a hefty 2.5%!

This tuition fee taught me only one thing... quit work. hehehe! >:) But seriously, I think I did pretty well following strict rules. I think it has something to do with money management.

My portfolio today consists of the following. Still letting their profits run and just waiting for my stops to be triggered. LND 7%, NIKL 22%, PNX 7%, FOOD 6%, MAB 9%

Hey Christina, congrats on your crazzzyy performance :) You know what to do when we meet! :p


Christina Hunt said...

No, I don't know what to do.... :P Hmmm... Return your book?! HAHAHAHA!! :P

surfer said...

how can you outperform the market and not know how to take a hint? hahaha

re: quitting work

i am reading wall street stories in pdf file for entertainment and enjoying it a lot. the story" the tipster" in the book comes to mind. want a copy?

Anonymous said...

I was up 1.5% then gave it all back this month. Lucky not to have been BBQ'd by yesterday's decline, holding only cash right now.

Christina squeezed a profit out of this month? Nice work. :)

Harley Wong said...

surf, sure please e-mail it to me :) thanks!

abi, yea. gawin mong absolute value yung performance ng psei. haha!

ch, walang ganyanan! hahaha! :p

turtlecapital said...

we live to fight another day... or another month... good luck sa lahat.

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