    Stocks are bought on expectations, not facts.

Boo Boo

Sorry, I haven't been posting for the past few days. This week has been a bit hectic. Anyway, last time, I said was going to take a break but...I couldn't help it!! Hahaha! I bought LND and LR. This is actually kind of like a break for me already. I didn't trade so much. I just watched two issues. LND and LR had a good run. I was able to get out with some profit. My boo boo was buying back LND yesterday at 1.44 and 1.45. I wanted to sell today but I didn't go to the office and I was kind of trading blindly. I couldn't see the postings. I was just looking at the intraday chart and had some sell orders posted. I should have just sold it down like I normally do. Argh! I guess we'll see on Monday. Anyway, I am happy to report a 10% return (ytd) from my total portfolio. Considering the market is down 5.6% ytd, I'd say I outperformed the market (so far). I hope I can keep this up. It's definitely a very, very tricky market.


Anonymous said...

that's ok. Me too didn't sell or buy because I saw a downtrend. If the downtrend will continue next will I'll buy and try to be position trader.lolz but I'm still tsupitero except on LND.lolz

Anonymous said...

nice blog! im gonna be bookmarking this page from now on =) - BerryWhite

Christina Hunt said...

BerryWhite!! Thanks! ;)

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